Voice Evac and Sound Systems

The time of traditional alarm bells and warning sirens is long gone, as these are progressively being replaced by the much more advanced voice evacuation systems. During an emergency, the last thing anyone needs is a loud siren in the background adding to all the confusion and panic which usually takes place. This is precisely why a tailored Voice Evacuation and Sound System is the perfect solution for any and every type of commercial building or large establishment.

A voice evacuation system does much more than just alert occupants of a current or imminent emergency; it uses a voice over the speakers to inform and guide occupants to safety during a dangerous scenario rather than just sound the traditional ringing alarm. It further allows for any crucial announcements by the fire department or any emergency personnel.

Voice Evacuation systems are fully customized according to your building plans in order to guide people to safety in an organized and safe manner. The building type, layout and approximate number of occupants are all taken into account when designing your ideal evacuation strategy.

During an emergency, the inhabitants of every floor are guided to the exit or nearest safe zone in an orderly manner, avoiding over-congestion of staircases and the disorder which occurs during many emergencies.

Not sure where to start or what your building needs? Our team of experts at Eyescan are qualified to carry out a complete fire and safety risk assessment of your establishment, providing you with the best course of action and any necessary integrations of solutions your establishment lacks. In addition, we can provide you with all the necessary evacuation tools your building may require to optimize your evacuation protocols and procedures, by supporting the safe and timely evacuation of everyone in the premises, including those who are disabled or physically impaired.

Contact us now to optimize the safety of your space and ensure holistic and safe evacuation for everyone.